Cbus Self Managed performance

You are able to buy and sell units in Cbus Self Managed Property and Cbus Self Managed Infrastructure options during trading windows.


See the trading windows for 2022.

Unit prices for Managed Investments are released daily with the latest unit price used to value your investments. Please refer to your account history for distribution information.

Investment performance

Cbus Self Managed - Managed options performance to 31 March 20241
  1 month (%) Since 30 June (%) 1 year (%) 3 years p.a (%) 5 years p.a (%) 7 years (%) Since inception2 (%)
Cbus Self Managed Property -0.16 -1.84 -4.06 4.30 4.28 6.18 7.24
Cbus Self Managed Infrastructure 1.78 3.62 5.46 9.83 8.83 9.62 10.51

1Investment performance is the gross return minus investment costs. Excludes account keeping administration fees and taxes, which are applied by the Cbus Self Managed platform, where applicable. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
2Since inception on 29 July 2015.


Cbus Self Managed Property and Cbus Self Managed Infrastructure options commenced on 29 July 2015.

Prices for Australian shares and Exchange traded Funds are available on the Cbus Self Managed online platform. Read the term deposits page for more information on interest rates.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.