Asset classes

In simple terms, an asset is an investment used to gain a return.


Assets are divided into asset classes, such as:

  • Shares (Australian, global shares and emerging market shares)
  • Private equity
  • Alternative growth
  • Property
  • Infrastructure
  • Global credit
  • Fixed interest (Australian fixed interest and global fixed interest).
  • Enhanced income
  • Cash

Each of Cbus' diversified Pre-mixed investment options invest in a range of different asset types, except the Cash investment option, which invests only in cash investments.

The amount allocated to each asset class largely determines the overall risk and return outcome from each investment option.

Asset classes Description Asset type Source of return Risk level Return potential
(Australian, global shares and emerging market shares)

A share in a company represents ownership. If you have a share in a company you are a part owner (usually referred to as a shareholder).


Capital gains (or losses): increase (or decrease) in share price.

Dividends: profits the company makes, distributed to shareholders.

High High
Private equity Private equity investments are investments made in privately owned companies (companies that are mainly not listed on any stock exchanges). Growth Primarily capital gains (or losses). High High
Alternative growth

This asset class seeks to achieve returns from a range of growth investments with an emphasis on alternative strategies. 

It includes an allocation to invest in climate related opportunities which is aligned with our approach to responsible investment.

Growth Primarily capital gains (or losses) or income from investments that pay dividends and interest. High High

Property investments include office, retail, residential and industrial buildings as well as alternative assets (e.g., multi-family, storage, education and health care). Property investments can be made directly by buying an existing building, by developing a building, or indirectly by buying units in a pooled property fund.

Cbus invests in property directly (through our wholly-owned company Cbus Property) and indirectly via Global Listed Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).

Defensive and growth Rental income, rental growth and capital gains (or losses). Moderate to high Moderate to high

Infrastructure assets are facilities that provide services a society needs to function. Examples include airports and seaports. 

Cbus invests in Australian and global infrastructure in two ways: directly by owning a stake in the company operating the asset, or indirectly through buying units in a pooled fund. 

Defensive and growth Operating income (such as  fees on toll roads) and growth income.  Moderate Moderate
Global credit 

This asset class is expected to provide moderate returns over the long-term, with less volatility than shares.

It invests in credit, both investment grade and sub investment grade, within Australia and overseas.  It can invest across a range of instruments such as bonds, loans, structured credit, and other debt instruments.  Lending to corporations may also include infrastructure debt and property construction debt.  Diversified exposure to global credit markets provides sources of return that are complementary to other asset classes.

Defensive and growth Primarily income. Moderate Moderate
Australian fixed interest Australian fixed interest investments typically involve lending money to either Australian governments or government related organisations at a fixed rate. Defensive Primarily interest income over the term of the loan. Low to moderate Low to moderate
Global fixed interest Global fixed interest investments typically involve lending money to governments in developed countries at a fixed rate. Defensive Primarily interest income over the term of the loan. Low to moderate Low to moderate
Enhanced income The enhanced income asset class includes investments in Australian and global investment grade credit securities, such as corporate and securitised, and is generally more stable than other asset classes with lower returns over the long term. Defensive   Low to moderate Low to moderate
Cash Cash investments include bank deposits, cash management trusts, term deposits and short term debt securities. Please note the Cash option includes a 50% allocation with the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ). Defensive Interest. Low Low