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See how much better off your super balance could be with Cbus Super compared to the average retail super fund
Type of fee or cost | Amount | How and when paid | |
Ongoing annual fees and costs 1 | |||
Administration fees and costs 1 | $1.50 a week ($78 a year) Plus 0.19% of your account balance up to $1,000 a year Plus 0.03% a year 3 |
Deducted from your account at the end of each month or when you close your account.
Deducted from fund reserves (not from your account) |
Investment fee and costs 2, 3 Investment fees and costs are different for each investment option: |
Pre-mixed options |
Deducted from returns before the crediting rate is applied to your account. |
High Growth | 0.44% a year ($4.40 for each $1,000) | ||
Growth Plus | 0.45% a year ($4.50 for each $1,000) | ||
Growth (MySuper) | 0.42% a year ($4.20 for each $1,000) | ||
Indexed Diversified | 0.07% a year ($0.70 for each $1,000) | ||
Conservative Growth | 0.32% a year ($3.20 for each $1,000) | ||
Conservative | 0.25% a year ($2.50 for each $1,000) | ||
DIY options |
Overseas Shares | 0.31% a year ($3.10 for each $1,000) | ||
Australian Shares | 0.46% a year ($4.60 for each $1,000) | ||
Property | 0.54% a year ($5.40 for each $1,000) | ||
Diversified fixed interest | 0.22% a year ($2.20 for each $1,000) | ||
Cash | 0.04% a year ($0.40 for each $1,000) | ||
Transaction costs 3 Transaction costs are different for each investment option |
Premixed options |
Deducted from returns before the crediting rate is applied to your account. |
High Growth | 0.08% | ||
Growth Plus | 0.08% | ||
Growth (MySuper) | 0.08% | ||
Indexed Diversified | 0.02% | ||
Conservative Growth | 0.06% | ||
Conservative | 0.03% | ||
DIY options |
Overseas Shares | 0.03% | ||
Australian Shares | 0.09% | ||
Property | 0.15% | ||
Diversified fixed interest | 0.00% | ||
Cash | 0.00% | ||
Member activity related fees and costs | |||
Buy-sell spread | Nil | Not applicable | |
Switching fee | Nil | Not applicable | |
Other fees and costs | Other fees and costs may apply, such as insurance premiums. See the additional explanation of fees and costs at |
1 If your account balance for a product offered by Cbus Super is less than $6,000 at the end of the Cbus Super income year, certain fees and costs charged to you in relation to administration and investment are capped at 3% of the account balance. Any amount charged in excess of that cap must be refunded.
2 Investment fees and costs include an amount of 0.00-0.14% for performance fees based on the average performance fees for the five years to 30 June 2023, and if the investment option started less than five years ago, the performance fee is the average for the period since the option commenced.
3 These figures are estimates based on costs for the previous financial year and may change. The calculation basis for these amounts is set out in Investment fees and costs fact sheet at
When you join Cbus Industry Super, most members qualify for our default level of Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) cover. The cost of insurance is paid direct from your super account and will depend on your age, occupation and the amount of cover you have. Find out more about the types of cover available.
As part of your Cbus Super membership, you have access to our team of financial advisers at no additional cost. Our Advice Services can provide you with advice over the phone about:
See how much better off your super balance could be with Cbus Super compared to the average retail super fund
4 As at June 2023. Based on an income of $80,000 and a starting super balance of $50,000 modelled by SuperRatings. Full assumptions available on SuperCalculator
Strengthening Australia’s economy by supporting industries that are important to our members.
5 Since inception to 30 June 2024. Investment performance is based on the crediting rate, which is the return minus investment fees, taxes and until 31 January 2020, the percentage-based administration fee. Excludes fees and costs that are deducted directly from members' accounts. Past performance isn't a reliable indicator of future performance.
6 Insurance is issued under a group policy with our insurer TAL Life Limited ABN 70 050 109 450 AFSL 237848.