Completing your Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper)* account setup
Once you’ve successfully signed into Employer Online you will need to complete the setup of your Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper) account before you can start submitting employee super contributions.
These steps will be required if you haven’t previously used the Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper) and will need to be completed when you access the Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper) for the first time.
Step 1
From Employer Online, select Access Cbus Clearing House from the Popular tasks section on the dashboard.
Step 2
Click on Terms and Conditions to read them, and if you accept them, tick the confirmation box. Click Continue.
Step 3
Enter your settlement and default settlement account details as registered with your bank, and click Save.
- Account Number
- Account Name
Step 4
Choose your contribution entry method and click Save:
- Create online contributions to enter employee contribution payment details manually (suitable for a small number of employees)
- Upload contribution files to generate a contribution file from your payroll system
- Both
Cbus recommends selecting Both.
Note: Corporate Super employers will be required to select Upload contribution files and use the SuperStream Alternative File Format (SAFF) to generate a contribution file from their payment system.
Step 5
Click Finish.
*QuickSuper, Cbus' Clearing House service is provided by Westpac Banking Corporation ACN 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 for Cbus employers.
How to make contributions
Irrespective of how many people you employ, the Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper)* makes it simple to pay employee super. It really is as simple as submit, authorise, and pay.
Entering contributions manually

To enter online contributions manually, you will first need to create employee records within the Cbus Clearing House.
There are two ways to register your employees. You can:
1. Register each employee individually
- From Employer Online, select Contributions, then select Add individual employees from the Manual contributions section. Or to launch from within the Cbus Clearing House, select Employers, then View Employers.
- Select the employer, then click View Employees.
- Click Create New Employee.
- Enter your employee details, then click Save.
- To use the default fund, click Use Default Fund, otherwise enter the non-default fund’s details.
- Enter your employee’s membership details on the ‘Edit Fund Membership’ page, then click Save.
Repeat the above steps to register another employee.
2. Upload a file to register multiple employees at once
To register multiple employees using an upload file you will need to use the Employee Upload file format specified by the Cbus Clearing House.
The file specification and template documents are available for download on the Cbus Clearing House. To access the file specifications, login to Employer Online:
- From Employer Online, select Access Cbus Clearing House from the Popular Tasks section on the dashboard.
- On the left navigation menu, select Downloads.
For instructions on creating an Employee File, refer to the Employee Upload File Specification listed under Client Documentation in the Cbus Clearing House.
When your employee file is ready follow these steps to upload into the Cbus Clearing House:
- From Employer Online, select Contributions then Upload employee file from the Contribution files section. Or to launch from within the Cbus Clearing House, select Employers, then Upload Employees.
- Follow the page prompts, then click Upload Employee File.
- The Employee File Progress page will show the file with a status of ‘Uploading’.
- If the file has no errors, the status will update to ‘Awaiting User Confirmation’.
- Click Confirm to complete the upload (status will update to ‘Committing Changes’).
- Once the status updates to ‘Success’, the employee file had been successfully uploaded.
Once all your employees have been registered in the Cbus Clearing House you are ready to enter an online contribution.
- From Employer Online, select Contributions then Create new contribution from the Manual contributions section. Or to launch from within the Cbus Clearing House, select Online Contributions, then Create New.
- Select the relevant employer to make contributions.
- Enter the start and end date of the contribution period.
- Enter the contribution amounts in the online contribution entry grid. A maximum of 10 employees are shown at any one time. Select Next 10 to view the next 10 employees.
- You can choose whether you would like the contribution entry grid be pre-populated with default contributions amounts based on the employee details registered, or whether you would like all of the amounts to be set to 0 for you to specify individually.
- Click Save and Go to Summary to continue.
- Review the contribution summary, then click Submit.
- Your payment details will display.
- Click Confirm to finalise.
If you have configured an authorisation process, the Status will show as ‘Awaiting Authorisation’. If you do not have an authorisation step, the Status will show as ‘Authorised’.
Entering contributions by file upload

The Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper)* supports contribution files in two file formats:
- Contribution CSV v2 file format
- SuperStream Alternative File Format (SAFF)
Note: Corporate Super employers will need to provide additional details about employees and therefore are required to use the SAFF to upload contributions. If you have any questions, please contact your Employer Relationship Manager.
Each file format has a corresponding file specification document and starter file template which explains the various fields required to have a compliant file. These documents are available for download on the Cbus Clearing House.
Download contribution file specification and template documents
- From Employer Online, select Access Cbus Clearing House from the Popular Tasks section on the dashboard.
- On the left navigation menu, select Downloads.
Once your contribution file is created you are ready to upload the file into the Cbus Clearing House for processing.
Upload a contributions file
- From Employer Online, select Contributions, then Upload contribution file from the Contribution file section. Or to launch from within the Cbus Clearing House, select Contribution Files, then Upload File.
- Click Choose File and select your contribution file.
- Ensure the file format matches the file being uploaded and that the date format matches the dates in your contribution file.
- Click Upload File.
- Check the file status on the File Details page.
- Authorised – indicates the file upload was successful and is now ready for payment.
- Error – indicates the entire file was rejected. Click Download Error Report to view the list of errors.
- New – indicates the contribution has been created within the Cbus Clearing House however, it has not yet been submitted for authorisation or payment. The contribution may have alerts or warnings that need to be resolved before the contribution can be submitted – see below instructions on how to resolve incomplete file alerts.
- Awaiting Authorisation – indicates a user is required to authorise the file before it can be processed.
Please note, only statuses of Authorised or Awaiting Authorisation indicates a successful file upload.
If the file you have uploaded has triggered incomplete file alerts you will need to resolve these before it can be processed.
Resolve incomplete file alerts
- From Employer Online, select Contributions, then View contribution files in-progress from the Contribution file section. Or to launch from within the Cbus Clearing House, select Contribution Files, then View In Progress.
- Locate the contribution file with the New status and click View Details.
- The File Details page will outline the next steps required for the file to be submitted and processed.
- Click the Alerts tab for more details on the alert raised.
- Click View Details to view the line item with incomplete information.
- Determine the appropriate action using the radio buttons, then click Resolve.
- Click Confirm and Resolve to confirm and finalise the change.
- Continue until there are no more unresolved alerts.
To review changes to the employee data, click Download Report. These changes will update existing employee records within the Cbus Clearing House.
Once you have confirmed that the changes are correct, you can submit the file for processing by ticking the confirmation tick box and clicking Submit File.
*QuickSuper, Cbus' Clearing House service is provided by Westpac Banking Corporation ACN 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 for Cbus employers.
Levels of authorisation and how to authorise contributions

By default, the authorisation model is set to No Authorisation.
This step is applicable only if you have chosen to enable authorisation. The authorisation preference will apply to all contributions regardless of how they have been entered or paid for.
Levels of authorisation
The Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper)* offers three levels of authorisation for submitting contributions:
- No authorisation -This is the default setting. The Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper) will process submitted contributions without anyone reviewing and authorising.
- Single authorisation - A user will submit the contributions, then another user will authorise the contributions. The Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper) will not process the contributions until they have been authorised.
- Dual authorisation - A user will submit the contributions, then two other users will authorise the contributions. The Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper) will not process the contributions until both users have authorised.
Note: Only users with the ‘authorise contributions’ permission have the ability to authorise.
Authorising contributions
- From Employer Online, select Contributions, then View contributions in progress or View contribution files in-progress depending on how your contribution was entered. Or to launch from within the Cbus Clearing House, select View In Progress from either Online Contributions or Contribution Files depending on how your contribution was entered.
- Select the contribution that is ‘Awaiting Authorisation’ and click View Details.
- You can review the contribution summary or click Download Report to review employee contributions.
- Click Authorise to authorise the submitted contribution.
- If your authorisation model is:
- Single authorisation - the status will be updated to ‘Authorised’.
- Dual authorisation - the status will update to ‘Waiting 2nd Authorisation. After the 2nd authorisation has been provided, the status will then be updated to ‘Authorised’.
Changing the authorisation model
You can change the authorisation level for your company at any time if you have ‘edit company details’ permissions in Employer Online.
- From Employer Online, select Access Cbus Clearing House from the Popular Tasks section on the dashboard.
- On the left navigation menu, select Administration.
- Select Preferences.
- Select the appropriate ‘Authorisation Model’ level, then click Save.
*QuickSuper, Cbus' Clearing House service is provided by Westpac Banking Corporation ACN 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 for Cbus employers.
Submitting your payments via EFT

Please note, your contribution must be submitted before you process your payment for a successful transaction to occur.
The Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper)* will refund an unmatched payment in 3 days if the contribution hasn’t been submitted through to Authorised status.
You’ll be required to login to your own financial institution’s online banking services and schedule the payment. You will receive payment instructions from the Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper) which will include:
- BSB and Account Number to pay to
- a reference number for the payment
- the amount to pay.
When a contribution is submitted and you have paid the contributions via EFT, using the instructions provided, the Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper) can match the payment received with the contributions you have submitted.
After the EFT payment has been received, the Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper) will make the payments and send the advices to the funds.
*QuickSuper, Cbus' Clearing House service is provided by Westpac Banking Corporation ACN 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 for Cbus employers.
Submitting your payments via BPAY

Please note, your contribution must be submitted before you process your payment for a successful transaction to occur.
The Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper)* will refund an unmatched payment in 3 days if the contribution hasn’t been submitted through to Authorised status.
You’ll be required to login to your own financial institution’s online banking services and schedule the payment. You will receive payment instructions from the Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper)* which will include:
- a Biller Code
- a customer reference number for the payment
- the amount to pay.
When a contribution is submitted and you have paid the contributions via BPAY, using the instructions provided, the Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper)* can match the payment received with the contributions you have submitted.
After the BPAY has been received, the Cbus Clearing House (QuickSuper)* will make the payments and send the advices to the funds.
*QuickSuper, Cbus' Clearing House service is provided by Westpac Banking Corporation ACN 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 for Cbus Employers.
*QuickSuper, Cbus' Clearing House service is provided by Westpac Banking Corporation ACN 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 for Cbus employers.
This information is about Cbus. It doesn’t take into account your specific needs, so you should look at your own business needs, objectives and requirements before making any financial decisions.
You should read the Employer Handbook, relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), Target Market Determination and other documentation to decide whether Cbus is right for you. Call 1300 361 784 or email or visit for a copy.
United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and /or Cbus Super).