Cbus encourages employers to pay super contributions monthly, to ensure members maintain their insurance cover and don’t miss out on investment earnings.
Delegates should be familiar with the relevant EBAs and Awards, in particular clauses relating to superannuation entitlements and ordinary time earnings (OTE).
This helps ensure correct payment of super entitlements, while preventing industrial issues arising from non-payment or under-payment of super.
Cbus Compliance Line
Our Compliance Line offers dedicated support to delegates. We can verify whether employers are fulfilling their super obligations under law.
We have an arrears management process in place so we can act quickly when a payment is missed, and we will work with employers to achieve a positive outcome and regular compliant payments.
Cbus Super may engage IFS Unpaid Super, a professional debt collector, for outstanding super contributions for our members.
The Cbus Compliance Line provides information to delegates about*:
- Cbus employer numbers
- a confirmation of all previous payments made by an employer
- the amount paid
- mandated salary sacrifice amounts
- the number of Cbus members that contributions have been received.
*The Cbus Compliance Line cannot give personal financial advice or provide personal information about members' accounts.
Call the Compliance Line
1300 658 333, 8am to 5pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday to Friday. Closed public holidays and weekends.
When phoning, please have the following information ready:
- your name
- your union
- your position
- the site name you are on and the address.
You will also need to provide this information if completing a Compliance Line form.
Request a compliance form
- Complete the Delegates section of the form
- Fax the completed form to the Cbus Compliance Line on 1300 228 739 or email it to cbuscompliance@cbussuper.com.au
- The Cbus Compliance Line will fill in the payment details, and fax or email it back to you by the next business day.
Delegates checklist
When the completed Compliance Line Check Sheet is returned to you from Cbus you may need to:
- follow up outstanding payments with the employer or sub-contractor
- follow up members who are not properly registered
- rectify incorrect payments with the employer or sub-contractor
- ensure employers are fulfilling their obligations under their EBA and Awards by paying on time.
Unregistered members
Under their EBA and Awards, an employer or sub-contractor that has nominated Cbus as their default fund, has a responsibility to ensure all eligible members are registered with Cbus.
If there are unregistered members or deemed members on your work site, you can help by handing out an Industry Super Product Disclosure Statement. Members can complete the Join Industry Super form and the Temporary Membership Card included in the handbook. Members are also able to join online.
Member cards
Once membership has been accepted by Cbus, new members will receive a personalised member card with their unique member number.
With extra features to enhance security and to help members to get the super their entitled to, the member card has a scannable QR code on the front and a hologram on the back.
In the meantime, a temporary card is available from the Product Disclosure Statement when they complete the Join Cbus Industry Super form.
Further reading
You can read more information for Delegates by clicking on the links below.