
Manage your insurance

Change or update your insurance cover

When you join Cbus Super you can choose either automatic cover that you are eligible for or cover that is right for you. This decision can be based on factors such as your age, family situation and financial needs.

Manage your insurance cover online

You can apply to change your cover at any time, this includes decreasing, increasing or cancelling your cover.  Alternatively, you can download a paper form to change or cancel your cover.

Types of cover

We understand the risks of working in the building, construction and allied industries. That’s why we offer insurance options tailored to suit your industry and your job. 

You can select the automatic cover that you’re eligible for or apply for cover that’s right for you, based on your age, occupation category, family situation and financial needs.

Learn more about types of cover.

Life events insurance increases

When you increase your insurance cover, your application is usually assessed based on your medical history and current health.

Life events insurance increases lets you boost Death and TPD cover after specific life events without needing health information. These increases are available to members of Cbus Industry Super who have existing cover at the date of the Life Event.

You can apply for Life events insurance increases within 60 days of the following events occurring:

  • You get married
  • You or your partner give birth or adopt a child/children
  • You take out a mortgage or renegotiate an increase to an existing mortgage by more than $100,000 on your permanent residence
  • You take out a business loan or increase an existing business loan by more than $100,000

Download a Life events application (PDF).

Things to consider when cancelling your cover

You can choose to cancel some or all of your cover at any time, and you’ll no longer be charged for the cover you cancel. The following should be considered:

  • If you cancel cover, then change your mind and want insurance cover later, you’ll need to provide detailed health and other information for our insurer to consider, and you may not qualify for cover.
  • Insurance claims can’t be made, by you or your beneficiaries, if you’re injured or pass away after you cancel your cover. You may still be able to make a claim for any events or conditions that occurred before you cancelled your cover. 
  • If you’re cancelling to replace your cover with alternative cover, make sure your alternative cover is in place before you cancel.
  • Before you change or cancel your cover, it’s a good idea to understand how it works. We explain it in more detail in the insurance guides below. 

You don't need to do this on your own

Give us a call if you’d like some advice or information you
may need, we’re here to help.

Contact us

Find your insurance guide

Use our calculator


Based on your stage of life and financial needs, we can help you work out whether you should change your level of cover.  

Try our insurance needs calculator to see how much cover you may need.

You can apply to change your cover anytime.

Try our insurance calculator

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