Nominate a beneficiary

Leave your super to the right people

Most people think their super automatically becomes part of their estate when they die, but it doesn’t. That’s why it’s important to nominate at least one beneficiary to receive your super.

Why nominate a beneficiary?

Beneficiaries are the people you elect to receive your super, and any insurance benefits that may be payable, if you die.

Taking steps to make sure that your wishes are formalised can make it easier for the loved ones you leave behind. 

Watch our video to learn more about nominating beneficiaries. 

Who can be nominated?

A beneficiary can be a dependant, someone that is financially dependent on you, or your legal personal representative. This might be an executor or someone managing your estate if you don’t have a will.


If you’re a Cbus Super member and you die, your dependant can claim:

  • The total amount in your account
  • Any insurance benefit you had at the date of your death

Your dependants include:

  • Your spouse (including de facto and same-sex partners), children (including step or adopted children or children of same-sex couples)
  • Other people who are financially dependent on you (wholly or partially) or were in an interdependency relationship with you

An interdependency relationship means two people (whether or not related by family) who have:

  • A close personal relationship, and
  • Live together, and
  • One or both of them provides the other with financial support, and
  • One or both of them provides the other with domestic support and personal care

If two people, related or not, have a close personal relationship but don’t meet the other requirements, they may still be considered as interdependent. This exception applies if either or both suffer from a physical, intellectual, or psychiatric disability. People who share accommodation, such as flatmates, don’t qualify.

Types of nominations

There are two ways you can nominate who will receive your super, and any insurance benefits, in the event of your death.

Binding nomination

This is legally binding and is the easiest way to make sure your super goes to those important to you.

Binding nomination

A binding nomination means you can elect who you want your super and insurance benefit to go to if you die, as long as:


  • You choose an eligible person to receive your benefit (in accordance with Cbus Super’sTrust Deed and relevant legislation)
  • The eligible person is a dependant or legal personal representative
  • You’ve made your nomination in the last three years and continue to renew it every three years

You can make a binding nomination by completing a Binding death benefit nomination form (PDF) and posting this in, or call us for further information. 


Note: binding nominations lapse and need to be renewed after three years.

Non-binding nomination

This option lists your chosen nomination for your super if you die, but it isn’t legally binding.

Non-binding nomination

You may have made a non-binding nomination when you first joined Cbus Super. This tells us who you'd like your super to go to. It only acts as a guide on who should received your super, it's not legally binding.

A non-binding nomination means:

  • Your benefit will be paid to either your dependant/s or your legal personal representative
  • We’ll make the final decision. While the decision will be made under Cbus Super’s Trust Deed, people you’ve chosen will be considered

To update your non-binding nomination:

We're here to help

For help choosing what's right for you, our Advice Services team can provide you with advice over the phone.


All insurance (excluding the Accident and Sickness Insurance as above) is provided by TAL Life Limited ABN 70 050 109 450 AFSL 237848. The information in this insurance section provides a brief overview of the insurance types available through Cbus. It does not include all eligibility conditions for acceptance or payment of insurance benefits. For more information, we recommend you read the appropriate Product Disclosure Statement and the relevant Insurance Handbook for your membership.