Market overview

The last month of 2023 saw financial markets finish the year on a positive note, with strong equity and bond market returns recorded across most developed economies as the case for an economic ‘soft landing’ continued to strengthen. Equity markets built on November’s strong gains, with the MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI) advancing around 5% in December. As a result, the ACWI ended the December 2023 quarter up around 11%, taking the calendar year gain to 20%, with similarly strong performance from the US S&P 500.

Investment performance

Asset allocation

The Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) provides guidance for the portfolio allocation over the medium to long term (10+ years) and is reviewed annually. The SAA for all investment options can be found on the following pages:

The actual asset allocations at any point in time may differ from their respective targets due to market movements, cash flows and other activities.

Actual asset allocations are regularly monitored by the investment team and rebalanced back towards target, or in line with our views on opportunities and risks.

See below for the Growth (MySuper) option actual allocation.


Actual allocation 31/12/2023 Growth (MySuper)
Australian shares 23.92%
Global shares 27.15%
Emerging market shares 2.54%
Private equity 2.19%
Alternative growth 1.73%
Infrastructure 13.45%
Property 9.88%
Global credit 6.58%
Australian fixed interest 5.08%
Global fixed interest 3.06%
Cash 4.42%
Growth / defensive allocation split  72.49% / 27.52%

Note: Growth assets include Australian shares, global shares, emerging market shares, private equity, alternative growth, 50% of infrastructure, 50% of property and 50% of global credit. Defensive assets include cash, fixed interest, 50% of property, 50% of infrastructure and 50% of global credit.

Figures are subject to rounding. Actual asset allocation is current as at 31 December 2023. Asset classes are the building blocks of our investment options. We allocate different proportions to each asset class with the aim of meeting each option’s investment risk and return objective. By investing across a range of asset types, the risk of loss is reduced through diversification. For more information see asset classes.

We periodically review our investment strategy and believe that the Growth (MySuper) option is well positioned for growth over the medium to long term, while maintaining some defensive exposure. Cbus’ Pre-mixed investment options are broadly diversified across asset classes.


The information is about Cbus. It doesn’t take into account your specific needs, so you should look to your own financial position, objectives and requirements before making any financial decisions. Read the Cbus Product Disclosure Statement and the Target Market Determination to decide whether Cbus is right for you, or contact us for a copy.

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